Sunday, January 4, 2009

Kile: LaTeX Frontend for Mac

I have been looking for a nice LaTeX editor/frontend on Mac for a long time.
I was used to using WinEDT on Windows,  and  I was not happy with the "standard" tools used for writing LaTeX documents in Mac. |(Namely, TEXShop, Emacs, TexMaker,  TextMate, etc.).  Personally, I did not think that these tool compared as LaTeX frontends to WinEDT. (They might be great editors, but as LaTeX frontends, they felt a bit clumsy compared to WinEDT).

Then I found Kile
Kile is a great frontend for LaTeX on KDE.
It is ported to Mac. (I used the Fink port.)

Installation was not painless.
(It is a good idea to install/update to the latest version of  X11 as a first step. This can prevent a bug in the X11 version supplied by apple that breaks the compilation.)
But it is worth it!

A few tricks I used to make Kile happy:
- Linked kdvi to xdvi
- Linked acroread to kpdf

The main problem of Kile, as pointed out to me by Eran Yahav, is that it does not have an online spell checker. However, this problem is due to be fixed in KDE 4.0. 

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